17, August is The Freedom day of Indonesia. So many people of Indonesian celebrating it by make ceremonies and lots of competition. In order they can recharge the newer energy for the nation. "Happy Birthday My Beloved Country, I will stand by for you". The Great Indonesia......Indonesia is my homeland, A land which is I was born. There I will stand......And many things that I really hard to forget for.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
17 August, 2008. The Ceremony in Gedung Agung.
17, August is The Freedom day of Indonesia. So many people of Indonesian celebrating it by make ceremonies and lots of competition. In order they can recharge the newer energy for the nation. "Happy Birthday My Beloved Country, I will stand by for you". The Great Indonesia......Indonesia is my homeland, A land which is I was born. There I will stand......And many things that I really hard to forget for.
Monday, 18 August 2008
The next day we went to Kaliurang
Justin and me, After Sholat Jum'at.
Justin is my Canadian friend. He has arrived from Jakarta a few week ago. And We were visiting a cafe in "Kampung Bule" in Yogjakarta. He's Moslem as well, just like me. Justin is a smart person, he can conquer Indonesian Language faster. Honestly, I proud of it Justin. He running for his bussines every morning in Yogja. That's none other, He has to go to "Ngaji", but he was doing great for that one. Congrats!!!Dude, you'll be the best. Amien!
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Pagar Nusa (An Indonesian Martial Art)
Pagar Nusa is one of the Indonesian Martial Art. Which always take a part in various Martial art competition in Indonesian. And They are not learning about how to protecting their selves by fighting, but they learning arts of Fighting as well. They were held exercise when I was took the pictures, the exercise held in every friday morning until 10.00 am.
Isra' Mi'raj
Isra' Mi'raj, Adalah suatu kesempatan yang agung untuk dapat merasakan kehadiran, Nabi pembawa rahmat dan syafa'at kepada kita Yaitu Muhammad SAW. Perayaan Hari besar islam Isra' Mi'raj di PONPES Krapyak, Yayasan Ali Maksum di laksanakan dengan menyelenggarakan Maulid Dziba'. Yang di ikuti oleh semua santri.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
IPNU Conference 2008
Say not to Drugs...drugs can make us suffer. And Don't even try the drugs or you will die in suffer and lots of Disaes come along in you health body.
Well, Then I'm as the youth I really disagree with abusing drugs.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Here are some pictures again which I was took in Subang, West-Java
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Hi here Again
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