First time I was steping my feet on earth. I have heard many kinds of Songs that I might loved for. I never realize that moment, I was a kid who wasn't knew that The Universe was so large. I trying to get more understanding about my own cultures that I have. Today, It's all becoming my dreams which come true. I could listen some the songs which I really love to hear. Such: Riaunese songs, Javanese, and lots. Indonesia is a place where I was born, a place where my mother was taking care of me.
"I dedicate it for my beloved family, Friends". And For my country.
it was a great moment, I can meet the Prince Charles in my school. He was a good man. I was showing him my project which I've prepared since a day before his visiting. At last, it was doing well.
I was took a part in eLanguages Training which supported by British Council. Was a great thing, I could learn about the cultural Exchange. I have got a great numbers of experiences, and I have met Prince of Wales.